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How Can a Smart Home Company Help You Navigate the New Normal?


Vineyard Sound Integration Is Here for You

The last year and a half have tested our ability to work with change. Seemingly overnight, our perspective on our lifestyles, our work, our safety, and our social life drastically shifted. As experts working at the top smart home company on Martha’s Vineyard, we also saw opportunities to turn unprecedented times into opportunities for safer, richer lives right at home. We installed countless audio-video systems, media rooms, and custom theaters. Later on, we rejuvenated outdoor areas with weatherproof TVs and audio as people began hosting cookouts again.

Though Massachusetts isn’t operating normally yet, we have seen some ease of restrictions, expanding even more possibilities for innovating your home or vacation home for entertaining guests, finally investing in your dream home office and more. Keep reading below to find three examples of how we can prep your residence for the last half of 2021 and beyond.

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