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Is Luxury Lighting Design In Your Future?

A living room featuring Lutron lights and smart shades.  

From Convenience to Energy Efficiency, Smart Lighting Design Is Essential to Luxury Living

Your vacation home on Cape Cod is the place to be in the summer. Its design, furniture, and finishes are tailored to you and your lifestyle. Each room has a personality of its own. From the front door to the backyard, luxury lighting design reflects and enhances the nature of every space. When you are away in the winter months, smart lights have the added advantage of allowing for seamless remote management, whether it is you or a property manager watching over the place.  

As the leading technology integrator on Cape Cod, our team at Vineyard Sound Integration has a reputation for delivering top-notch luxury lighting solutions to vacation homeowners. We know how important it is for your home to be spotless and ready to go by the time you arrive, while remaining safe and cost-efficient when you are not here. 

Read on to learn what luxury lighting brings to your home, both in the summer months spent on the Cape, and the long winters away from our beloved vacation paradise. 

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