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Discover the Future of Lighting with Lutron Controls

The image is of a luxury kitchen in a smart home.

Explore the world of Lutron and how they’re embracing advancements in lighting design

Lutron is a luxury lighting control brand that has been in business since 1959, when they invented the Lutron lighting dimmer switch. Today, Lutron is one of the top brands in home lighting, and they continue to push the limit to stay on top of lighting control technology year after year. 

Many homeowners on Martha’s Vineyard have fallen in love with the newest Lutron lighting switches and controls. Vineyard Sound Integration is your premier home installer specializing in upgrading homes on Martha’s Vineyard and the surrounding areas. As a certified dealer of Lutron lighting products, Vineyard Sound Integration has an extended portfolio of completed upgrades to vacation homes throughout the region.

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Simplify Your Daily Lifestyle with Lutron Lighting & Shading


Watch Your Quality of Life Improve with this Luxurious Solution & More!

The right lighting can turn your house or vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard into a place you want to return to after a long day at work or an even longer time spent away. Lighting should create an ideal living space for you with zero hassle – Lutron lighting and shading can provide this customized oasis for you on a regular basis.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the benefits of Lutron’s solutions and how they can better your daily life – and even integrate seamlessly with other trusted brands! Keep reading below to find out more.

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