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Transform Your Home Lighting with Lutron Smart Switches

A closeup of Lutron’s Alisse smart switch in a Martha’s Vineyard home.

Lutron Intelligent Keypads Add Convenience with Panache

Large luxury homes have many different types of lighting. Consider the kitchen, which may have recessed lighting, pendant lights, undercounter lighting, task lighting over a coffee bar and sink, and more. Now consider all the light switches that are required for each circuit. Some homes end up with so many light switches that interior designers like to refer to them as "wall acne." Not only is that unattractive, but they are also confusing to operate. However, there is a highly functional and beautifully elegant solution – Lutron smart switches. Let’s explore two of Lutron’s most luxurious smart keypads and how smart lighting can transform the illumination in your home on Martha’s Vineyard. 

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